Sunday, July 26, 2009

Foot Fetish

Gavin has become quite fond of his feet over the past few weeks. They easily rank among his favorite things in life right now...second only to anything he can fit in his mouth.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

What a Difference a Year Makes...

July 25, 2008 .... July 25, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Ahhh, TV is fascinating...

Watching the Tour de France...go Lance!

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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

...come again another day!

Quite the day! It started with Brad, Gavin and me all going out for a long run this morning. Usually, Brad and I run our long runs (and really most runs) separately. Brad usually goes for a long run Saturday morning and I go early (sometimes as early as 5am) Sunday morning. This is for two reasons:

1) Coordinating running schedules with a baby is much more challenging than pre-baby. I like to maximize my time with Gavin, so I fit my runs in late in the evenings on weekdays (after little man is in bed) and my long runs (though not as long, yet, as pre-pregnancy -- but I'm getting there) on Sunday mornings, after his first feeding of the day. He'll then go back to bed until 9:00-9:30ish and I can have my run finished and be showered by the time he wakes up. And we can make it to mass if we haven't gone the night before. Brad has his long runs on Saturday because he joined a new running group and that's when they meet. So, it works great!

2) The other reason: it's just plain too HOT to run any other time of the day -- evenings and early mornings are much more comfortable. Though, this summer has definitely been more mild.

So, back to this morning. Given that the weather forecast was to be cool all day, and that Brad didn't meet up with his group yesterday morning, the stars aligned and we decided to go on a family run. We're both training for the Grand Rapids half marathon this fall (my post-pregnancy goal), so Brad was going to run 12 miles and I had 7 miles on my schedule.

We decided we'd run the first 3.5 miles together with the jogger, then Gavin and I would turn around and head for home and Brad would continue on. Well, we made it just short of the turn around point and the RAIN started (guess we should have checked that forecast more closely). It was somewhat reminiscent of a nice Irish, drizzly, but still bright out. Then it got a little heavier, and a little heavier. Any other day this would have been a welcome added challenge and really something that both Brad and I enjoy (I know, we're crazy -- we like things like running in the rain and even subzero, snowy conditions, all bundled up). But with baby, I quickly became the overly concerned mother. Brad turned around with us and we headed home, all the time I was worried Gavin was going to get drenched (even though he was fully covered by the car seat and stroller visors). As it turns out, it was fun experience and Gavin was the only one who stayed completely dry...and managed to drift off for a nap. Here he is all comfy...

We spent some time today packing away all of Gavin's clothing that he's outgrown. We couldn't help but try on a couple of the hats that he wore as a newborn. It's so hard to believe that these hats were big on him at one time. He looked so cute (and silly) that I just had to get a couple of pics...
This is the hat Gavin received at the hospital and wore home 5 months ago. He has this rash thing going on near his mouth, from mass quantities of drool and chewing. Poor guy!

And this is the hat (among others) that kept him warm on those cold winter nights when he first was home. This hat used to slip down and cover his eyes it was so large on him. Now, he just looks like a gangster in it!

And one last activity of the day...Brad put together Gavin's highchair so that he can sit in it during meal time and get used to it. We're planning to wait to introduce solid foods until closer to 6 months, but thought it would be nice for Gavin to get accustomed to joining us at the dinner table. Up until now, he's joined us at dinner in a much lower little chair. His new chair allows him to see what we're doing...and what we're eating! It will be interesting to see, by watching us, if he develops an interest in eating solid foods over the coming weeks.

In other weekend news, Gavin turned 5 months on Saturday! So, what's it like at 5 months? Wonderful! He is getting more and more determined to roll from his back to belly. He is very interested in standing and putting weight on his legs and even taking a few guided "steps"...though he "walks" like he has osteoporosis. And Thursday night, we heard his first belly laugh. It completely melted my heart and made Brad and me laugh harder than Gavin! Brad was doing this very drawn out, exaggerated yawn and it just sent Gavin into a laughing spell. I have part of it on video, but I'm still struggling with how to upload videos to the blog or You takes FOREVER, if it works. Too much time (and patience) that I don't have.


Friday, July 17, 2009

Professional Photos

A couple of months ago, when Gavin turned 3 months, we were fortunate to have professional photos taken by our good friends Darrin and Rhonda. Here's a sampling of our favorites that we just received. Many thanks to Darrin for taking beautiful photos and creating great memories that we'll cherish for years.

If you're looking for a fantastic photographer in West MI, we very highly recommend Darrin. He does beautiful work for weddings, kiddos, and various other portraits. Check out his website here.

P.S. Dad you'll be happy to see that I didn't post any of the more "revealing" naked photos. Just a little bit of the buns in the photo above! I think this should keep the pedophiles away from our blog!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Pink Birthday

Today we celebrated our nieces' 4th and 6th birthdays. Gavin enjoyed watching his cousins open their gifts, throwing pink and purple wrapping paper everywhere. And of course Grandma Shirley and Grandpa Mark enjoyed entertaining Gavin, along with the girls.

A rare photo of Grandma Shirley with Gavin. I had to sneak this shot without her knowing! And I'm sure I'll get in trouble for posting it on the blog. I think it is a beautiful picture, though!

In complete awe of the presents.

The birthday girls, trying to play dolls and Barbies with Gavin. I'm sure it's just the first of many attempts to bring out Gavin's feminine side.

Happy Birthday Lexi and Ava!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Pajama Man

A lazy Saturday morning...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Life is Good

A loving dad and a thumb...two things every little one must have.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Here's the debut of our new blog layout. It was a long time coming. Let me know what you think!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

In Fairness...

Well, Gavin debuted his Ferris State onesie a few days ago. So, to be fair, here he is in his GVSU tee. I came home from work yesterday and found him sporting this new look. I think he looks so little boyish in this outfit -- tee-shirt and jeans. It was almost like a glimpse of what he'll look like in a couple years. He's turning into such a big guy!

Note, there is not nearly as much drool on the GVSU shirt as there was on the Ferris onesie in my previous post. No fair! On the other hand, though, he is making more of a smile in the Ferris tee!
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