Monday, June 9, 2014

March and April Fun!

Updates on happenings in our house from March and April...a little catch up (again)!

Major March and April milestones:  Isla enjoyed the "big bath" lots, began to show signs of crawling, finally began crawling around 10 months, cut her top two teeth within a couple of days of each other, began cruising the furniture, and loves to wave and clap (though clapping at that point was hand to either tummy or hand to other arm's wrist.  Pretty cute!)

I'll get May uploaded soon and hopefully get back on track with this blogging thing :)  Can you tell it's been busy?  Swim and soccer ended last week and I'm between training schedules for races, so it's quieting a bit in Clark-land.

I took Gavin to his first Griffins hockey game.  Not two minutes into sitting down and we captured a practice puck across the wall!  He slept with it that night and brought it for show and tell the next day :)

St. Patty's Day activities (a leprechaun trap)

Isla's first pool experience after one of Gavin's lessons.

The highlight of April, OUR TRIP TO FLORIDA!  We started in Tampa so that I could attend a conference for work.  Then headed to LegoLand for one night and then on to Siesta Key.  It was a wonderful journey.  I thought that by the time we wrapped up 12 days away from home, everyone would be ready to get home and back on a routine.  But, we easily could have vacationed longer.  Isla napped better than at home, both kids were great the entire time, and we just had a blast!  Can't wait for next year.  We're even thinking about adding a couple of Disney days to the beginning or end of the trip, we'll see :)

Emmett sighting!

Siesta Key!

This girl started crawling just before our trip.

Super early flight made for a sleepy afternoon.

Easter egg hunt and we ran into Gavin's friend from school.

Princess Isla!

We're off to see the wizard!  Gavin's first Broadway show was so wonderful.  He started to (and has continued to) skip a couple of days after the show!