Saturday, August 15, 2009

6 Month Photos!

We took Gavin to JCPenney today to have his 6 month photos taken. Can't believe he will be 6 months already on Tuesday! I'll blog more later next week on what it's like at 6 months. In the mean time, I wanted to share a few (well, more than a few) of our favorite pics from today. It's so hard to narrow it down!

Gavin was an absolute angel, as usual, for the photo session. He was even smiling and laughing the whole time we placed our order, which, given my love for photography (even though I'm not that great at it), took a while. What a fun day capturing the delight of our little guy at this fun age!

We thought it would be fun to capture a few summer photos. And the beach hat just looks so cute on Gavin that we couldn't resist including it! These are some of my favorites!