Sunday, April 18, 2010

Illness Recovery

While on vacation last week, Gavin began to just not be quite himself a couple of days before we came home. He woke up from his nap on Thursday and felt extremely hot. We checked his temp and it was normal. He was irritable, tired, not eating well, more tipsy when walking -- just not our normal happy, active one year old. Concerned, we took him to Express Care at his doctor's office last week Sunday. The physician he saw examined him, didn't find anything obvious wrong, and thought that maybe teething was the culprit. Then, Monday evening, Gavin developed a rash on his belly and back. I did some research and (not that I'm qualified to do so), self-diagnosed him with roseola. Back to doctor on Tuesday -- roseola and an ear infection (though I don't think the ear infection was the main source of Gavin's symptoms). So, our poor little guy is in the midst of his first antibiotic experience.

By Wednesday, he was back to his old-self...with a vengeance! He is eating like a champ, toddling all around, giggling, being silly, just like nothing ever happened. It's very reassuring to have him back! Here he is enjoying BBQ pulled chicken that Brad made...his hair especially liked the yummy dinner.

Gavin's beginning to enjoy the opportunity to run around outside with the fantastic weather we've been having. I think he likes the texture of the grass under his feet. It takes a little adjusting to get used to it.