Sunday, May 30, 2010

In Memory of Great Grandma Gavin

My Grandma passed away yesterday, after a wonderful, fulfilling life. Here are some photos from the past year or so. Dementia got the best of her at times over the past several years, but that didn't stop her from loving her family. She didn't necessarily know who Gavin was, but she knew he was family and she certainly knew that she loved babies. It was incredible to see the joy that he brought to her over the past 15 months. We're blessed to have had her around to meet him.

Grandma, I know that you are up in heaven looking down on us now. I told Gavin yesterday that you were in a much better place and that in heaven there is no more dementia. I know that you'll like what you see when you look down at this little fourth generation "Gavin".

Give Grandpa a hug for me! We love you!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Weather Appreciation

It's feeling like summer! We've been enjoying the nice weather. Here's Gavin enjoying a picnic dinner on the Grand Traverse Bay.

And having fun exploring Grandma Shirley and Grandpa Mark's yard at their new cottage.

He liked the little flowers in their much so that he managed to eat a couple when we weren't watching closely enough.

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

In God We Trust

Say a prayer for my grandma Gavin, who is likely in her last days with us. What a life she has lived - 101 years! She thrived on being a wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. A truly wonderful woman. Her faith and committment to family is a legacy she will leave behind. We love you Grandma, may God be with you...

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Random photos

New game in our house: throw toys through the gate, down the stairs, so that Stuart can destroy!

Somehow, Gavin ended up wearing one of Brad's shirts. I think it's a size or two too large.

Crazy hair in the tub. And check out all those teeth! You can even see a molar on his bottom left. Tooth number 12 popped through today, which completes set one of molars.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Gavin is learning the mechanics of feeding himself with a spoon. It's quite the messy challenge. But we must put up with the mess in order for him to learn. He is very insistant on self-feeding with a spoon and doesn't tolerate much help. Here he is eating breakfast over the weekend.

And dinner tonight, black bean stoup -- Happy Cinco De Mayo!

And just a random photo of Monster Baby, heading to attack the camera with socks shoved in his mouth.

Over the past couple of weeks, Gavin has gained four teeth, for a grand total of 11 now! This includes three molars! Boy, those molars are much harder to cut than his other teeth. He's been struggling with the pain and irritation. Though he still maintains his spunky, humorous-self most of the time.

What else is he up to? He's running, does a little skipping/jumping thing, walks backwards (this garnered a a great reaction from mom, so now he thinks it's the funniest thing in the world). He loves to play with his shape sorter, Little People farm animals, ride-on trucks (or should I say stand-on trucks--see previous post), sits a little more patiently for books, and absolutely loves peek-a-boo around the furniture with anyone who will play it. He has a wonderful sense of humor and typically is just smiling away!

His vocabulary is increasing as well. I've blogged previously about some of his words, which he is still saying and perfecting. New additions to the vocabulary include "staa" (star), "dow" (down), "doo" (door), "pen" (open), "oohs" (close), "ba" (ball), "ca" (car), "soo" (shoe), "no" (nose). And he is beginning to understand what the words mean. He will retrieve things when we ask -- "go get your car" and he'll look around and bring us his car. "Go get your socks" and he's bring us his socks.

We've been having some difficulties with naps lately -- he was in a pattern of taking one 3ish hour nap (down from two, hour and half naps). Lately, it's a struggle to get him to nap for an hour. He seems to be experiencing separation anxiety (at least I think). And maybe all of this teething is contributing as well. Once he wakes from a nap or even from sleeping in the mornings, he cries hysterically until Brad or I get him. I'm hoping it's just a phase. He is consistently sleeping through the night, but is an early riser, usually getting up between 6 and 7am...even on weekends (bummer!).

So, that's my update for now. Happy spring to everyone!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Smoke-Free Michigan!

A quick post to show my support for legislators who worked very hard to make our state smoke-free starting today! Thank you on behalf of myself and my family who now will breathe easier at restaurants, hotels, and all other public establishments. We will all be healthier (and better smelling) for it!