Sunday, May 30, 2010

In Memory of Great Grandma Gavin

My Grandma passed away yesterday, after a wonderful, fulfilling life. Here are some photos from the past year or so. Dementia got the best of her at times over the past several years, but that didn't stop her from loving her family. She didn't necessarily know who Gavin was, but she knew he was family and she certainly knew that she loved babies. It was incredible to see the joy that he brought to her over the past 15 months. We're blessed to have had her around to meet him.

Grandma, I know that you are up in heaven looking down on us now. I told Gavin yesterday that you were in a much better place and that in heaven there is no more dementia. I know that you'll like what you see when you look down at this little fourth generation "Gavin".

Give Grandpa a hug for me! We love you!