Sunday, October 10, 2010

Marathon Finisher (woot woot)

WE DID IT! When all odds were against us - stomach flu, dehydration, oppressive heat, to name a few - Brad and I completed the 2010 Bank of America Chicago Marathon. It gives me goose bumps just to type that! This crazy idea that I dreamed up back in February became a reality.

It has been a surreal day. It started at 5:15 this morning as we awoke, got all geared up, and headed to the 7:30am start. The day started off in the low 60s and quickly rose to the mid 80's by the time I finished. For any other activities, it was a beautiful sunny day. MUCH TOO HOT for a marathon, however.

Brad, being the super premier marathoner that he is, was fortunate to have a seeded corral (A) for the race. Low lifes like me were in the open corral. It was fine though, took me about 10 minutes to get to the start line once the "whistle blew". And we were off! I was so incredibly nervous all last night and this morning, and for about the first 8 miles of the race. Then, I think my nervousness turned into nausea and fatigue, coupled with the increasing temps. I wasn't feeling good. In fact, was thinking of dropping out. But, no, I had worked too hard for that. I pressed on, taking one mile at a time, alternating running with walking for about the second half. It was exhausting. But I came around the corner and saw the finish and there was no way that smile was leaving my face. I did it (not in the time I had hoped for), but I did it!

My time ended up at about 5 hours 19 minutes (about an hour slower than what I thought - in better weather). Brad finished in 3 hours 15 minutes (about 15 minutes slower than his goal). BUT WHO CARES about time - we finished!

And now I'm in a world of hurt - sitting with my feet elevated, blogging away. Every muscle from my hips down is aching. I can barely walk. I have massive blisters on five of my toes, I'll likely lose two associated toe nails (thankfully we're exiting sandal season). My right calf, which has been bothering me since my stomach flu/dehydration incident, is KILLING me. From about mile 18 to the finish, it was on the verge of ceasing up on me, hence the walking. Brad is tired as well, but given his experience with marathons, he's not in as rough of shape as I am. My headache is finally subsiding. I'm a bit sunburned (you can't unfortunately reapply sunscreen while you're running, so this morning's application quickly sweated off).

Pain and agony aside, I'm THRILLED to have finished!

So, my list of thank yous (I'm sure I"ll forget some): First and foremost, to my fabulous husband for his support and encouragement - there is no way this dream would have been a reality without you. All of our schedule juggling has finally paid off! Second, to my parents for watching Gavin in Chicago this weekend so that we could fulfill our dream. It was so reassuring knowing that he was in such loving, capable hands - no worries as we ran. And finally to the following list, for allowing this dream to come true: Jelly Belly Sport Beans, my hydration pack, non-blistering socks, my running shoes, the lady who always waved and said hello on my early morning Sunday long runs (she's so cute!), Body Glide, PowerAid (and the guy who sold it to me at Charlie's party store when my supply would run out), the fabulous City of Chicago for your hospitality (it was an impeccably planned marathon, particular for the weather conditions), the woman who gave me my medal at the end, and the woman who gave me an ice cold towel at the end. And also to all of our friends and family who have supported our running endeavors - your support and prayers mean the world.

So, that's it for this little chapter of 2010! Woot, woot!