Sunday, August 18, 2013

Where did I leave off?

My I've been a bad blogger.  Here's a catch up on our summer/maternity leave fun...

We spent a week in Traverse City on the bay.  It was lovely.  We were able to spend a few days with Grandma Shirley and the remainder of the week with Maeme and Bapa.  Lots of time in the water (the bay is just about as perfect as it comes for small kiddos and swimming), mini golfing, ice cream eating, bike riding, and dune visiting.  Sleeping Bear Dunes is just breathtaking.  I had never been and really wanted to go, and have our whole family experience this "most beautiful place in the US".  It was amazing!  A couple of funny Gavin dune comments: "I call these the dune trails of death." and (as he was climbing a steep dune) "I can climb any dune because I have a pirate tattoo."  The tattoo was from the mini golf place.  He really treasured that little body marking.

We went blueberry picking this last week.  Gavin loves to pick.  This year, we went to a farm with larger bushes than last year.  He found his "sweet spot" for picking between the bushes, a place only little ones can squeeze in, finding lots of untouched berries.  Brad and Isla came along and strolled in the carrier napping while Gavin and I picked.  Our freezer is all stocked up for the winter.

Last night we headed to Grand Haven - a place we frequently visit in the summer but hadn't yet this year - to stroll the boardwalk and pier and catch the musical fountain.  Gavin and Isla's first fountain experience was fun.  Gavin was swaying to the music in amazement of the lights.  Part of the fun was just the simple joy of rolling down the hilly lawn waiting for the show to begin (and staying up WAY past his bedtime).  Isla just enjoyed being along for the ride as usual.  She's quite the easy going traveler.

I have really enjoyed my summer maternity leave.  I'm back to work this week Tuesday.  So hard to believe it has been 12 weeks already.  I'm going to miss my kiddos (and Brad of course) when I return.  I do feel a bit less anxious about it this go around.  I remember feeling so sad about leaving Gavin when my leave was done, thinking it was the end.  What I found out is that it is just the beginning.  Even working moms get to enjoy so much.  There's so much ahead for Isla even with my return to work.  And she's in the absolute best care imaginable with her Dadda.

Here's a gazillion photos to catch us up...

 A fun play date with some of Gavin's friends from school.  Boy, he misses seeing them more regularly this summer!  Back to school in just over a week for developmental kindergarten.

 Gavin did two week of zoo school and made this very cool souvenir apron.

 I believe approximately 75% of the summer has been spent in my parent's pool.  Gavin can now swim down about 3/4 of the way to the bottom of the deep end, learned to dive and do cannon balls, and is just such a strong swimmer.  We'll continue more advanced lessons this fall and winter.

 We bought a cool "trail gator" so that Brad and Gavin can hook their bikes together for longer bike rides.

 Spending the day with the cousins while Uncle Chris and Aunt Jodi undertook the big move.

 Amazon, we love you for amazing deals.  But we love you even more for your boxes that barely make it into the house before being reconstructed into a new creation.  It's number 41, Gavin Clark (crowd roars!)
 Pardon my look in this photo fresh out of bed!

 And pardon my look in this photo in this very unflattering post-baby top (bad fashion choice with hindsight).  But here we are at the dunes (flabby belly and all - still continuing my weight loss/get back in shape efforts).

 Spider Man dune poses.

 Walking up the big dune!

 Half way

And running down...

A butterfly in the sand :)

Family photo complete with our Gracie :)

A rare photo with Grandma

 The bikers (Isla and run behind in the jogging stroller)

A whole lotta cherry pits.

 Lego Carnival was in town

Ready to pick!

 Grand Haven

And wrapping up with some random baby cuteness!

 I have photos of Gavin laying on this same blanket at Grand Haven :)