Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Catch Up

I'm finally posting a run down from Christmas. It was great! Gavin had loads of fun, enjoyed being the center of attention, and really loved all the big boxes and wrapping paper. Here are some photos of Christmas at our house Christmas morning, complete with Silly Town, Lil Champs and a toothbrush from Santa.

Christmas with the Clarks...

And with the Gavin's...

Gavin was a little ham all weekend, providing much entertainment for our families. He's really developing quite the personality. And yesterday we heard his first "words"..."no, no" said while copying Dad shake his head back and forth. He must be hearing that a lot lately? Hummm?

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

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Sunday, December 20, 2009

10 Months and on the Go

Boy! What a couple of very busy weeks. I have some catching up to do on the blog! Christmas is always a busy time of the year, but I'm discovering how much more busy it is with baby along for the ride. And how much more FUN it is!

Two weekends ago, I went on my annual shopping trip with college girlfriends to Schaumburg (can you say IKEA?). It was my first weekend away from Gavin which was difficult. I missed him incredibly, but had such a wonderful time with the girls. We shopped 'til we dropped as usual. And enjoyed wonderful food as well. The best part of the weekend was the SPLENDID news that my very good friend Danielle and her husband Brock are expecting their first little one. Danielle kept the news a secret until we met in person...she is already 25 weeks (23 weeks at the time of the trip). Now, I know I didn't share our pregnancy news with the general public until we were 13 weeks pregnant, but could you imagine holding this in until 23 weeks? Not a peep on the phone in the weeks leading up to the trip, nothing on Facebook... She really wanted to tell us in person. And what a surprise. It brings tears to my eyes when I think about it...every time I think about it. And I'm thinking of you often and praying that God watches over you all! This has been a LONG journey for Danielle and Brock. One that is definitely worth traveling. We love you guys!

Shopping was great fun, pumping-along-the-way and all! I felt like quite the milk machine, storing up all that nutrition to take home to little man!

Last weekend we were in Chicago, as a family, with my parents and my mom's family from Appleton, WI. Another fabulous weekend adventure. We weren't sure what to expect -- taking a baby out in the cold Chicago weather shopping and such. But, we lucked out. The weather was quite mild -- upper 30's, no wind (which is unheard of in the Windy City) and no snow! It was quite perfect. We shopped while our little angel baby rode patiently in the stroller, taking naps along the way so we didn't have to huddle in our hotel room. And we got to catch up with family who we don't see very often. Lots of fun! We love spending time in Chicago.

This weekend marked the marathon of Christmas parties, three in two days. It was great to get together with all of our family. A bit bittersweet with the Clarks, as Grandma Clark is not doing well. We're praying that God will see her through this difficult, unknown time. It is extremely difficult to see such a strong soul weakened.

The week nights have been filled with all that Christmas brings -- shopping online (too hard to get out to do this), wrapping gifts, decorating, trying to bake cookies. Boy, it is a busy time!

And, not to be overshadowed by the busy times, Gavin turned 10 months on Friday! He is on the go, crawling all over, pulling up on anything he can manuver onto, babbling up a storm, creating a true sense of humor, and just being his relaxed, wonderful self. He is intrigued by the Christmas tree, vertical blinds, plugs (which all have those plastic safety things in them), the baby gate (with Stuart on the other side). He continues to try new foods. Most recent was the introduction of tomatoes, which has been great fun. I love tomatoes and it is a staple in many of our family meals. I'm happy to report that Gavin loves them, too. And we introduced meat balls last weekend in Chicago...a huge hit. Graham crackers are also a favorite, along with some of others I've mentioned before.

Well, enough for now, I suppose. Here are some pictures from the past couple of weeks...

Happy Holidays to you all, if I don't get a chance to say it later this week!

Pasta with tomato sauce

Relaxing in Chicago

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree

Many of our gifts started with bows, but no longer have them. We have a bow thief in our house!

A rare photo of Grandma Shirley with Gavin at the Clark Christmas party yesterday. Yay, new Carters PJs!

My two little men, ironically (and unplanned) dressed similarly.

More gifts today at the Hodges party

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

World's Largest Toothbrush

The top two are on their way, just in time for Christmas.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Gavin finally got to meet the big guy. All the anticipation, all the excitement, all the talk...and it was SCARY! This was the best picture I took, all others express Gavin's true feelings of Santa.

We went to Meijer Gardens to see Santa and to check out the Christmas happenings. It was beautiful as usual! Gavin really loved all the lights on the trees and watching other little kiddos run around. Shortly after taking the picture below, we were reprimanded for touching the ornaments. Aren't we naughty?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

9 month photos

Here are some of my favorites from Gavin's 9 month photo session. This time, we purchased the CD so I was able to crop and play with shading...turning into a fun hobby. Gavin is sporting a holiday look in some and a fall look in others. What a little cutie!