Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Swim lessons

Gavin had his first formal swim lessons this summer at a local city pool.  While he didn't actually learn to swim here, he did learn valuable lessons on group activities, listening to a teacher, and how to have fun in the water.  His swimming skills have greatly improved this summer.  He is now swimming independently for several feet, and ready for the next lesson at the local YMCA this fall!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Updates coming soon!

I'm waaaaay overdue, I know.  But I'm too tired to try to get this blog up to date.  So, this is a teaser post.  Watch for the following updates in the days to come: Gavin's swim lessons recap, Gavin's new bike, Landscaping, preschool, and maybe a few other topics I'm forgetting.  I just spent a couple hours catching up on uploading and editing photos.  They're ready to go, check back soon!