Thursday, April 30, 2009

Building Up Strength

Gavin is getting more and more coordinated and strong. Here he is building his muscles to lift himself...and it ended in him rolling over onto his back. The roll-over wasn't purposeful, but it still happened! You can see in his face that he's not too thrilled with his tummy time. Some day it will be fun. This picture also shows nicely the hair that is regrowing on the top of his head, after having fallen out a few weeks after birth. No more male pattern baldness!

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Strike, Strike, Strike!

Gavin's new thing this past week is a strike on naps in his crib. We moved him from his bassinet in our bedroom to his "big boy" crib, in his room, last week Friday night. He did great with the transition. For me, it's a bit bittersweet. It's the "end" of the newborn phase and the beginning of more independence for our little guy. While I do feel it's very important for Brad and I to have our space from Gavin (and visa versa), particularly at night, it is sad to know he isn't sleeping right next to me. I must say, though, I think he is sleeping much more soundly now with more room. He was starting to get his hands caught between the rails of the bassinet and was just really squirming around a lot in there. Now, he seems to be more content at night.

I've also started trying to get him to nap more in his crib during the day, as opposed to napping in a sling, the swing, his car seat, or where ever else he drifts off to sleep. I've not been having great success with this new venture. I've tried swaddling, un-swadding, rocking, not rocking, music, no music...and the list goes on. And I can't find anything consistent that works. Just when I think I've figured him out, it changes the next day. If nothing else, Gavin is great at keeping me on my toes. I suppose I'm not the only new mom out there with this "problem". And I find that I obsess over his napping--if he doesn't sleep enough during the day, he gets overly tired and it's even harder to get him to sleep later. I suppose his napping schedule will develop with time -- whether I obsess or not. I almost feel, though, like I only have a few more weeks home with him to help him learn these important life lessons. And now I'm getting tears in my eyes thinking that our time together (all the time) is coming to an end.

Well, I'm going to stay positive. I wouldn't trade these past 10 weeks for anything in the world, obsessing and all. And my vow for these next three weeks is to stop obsessing and just enjoy every minute I have with our little miracle. So, no more worrying about "is he napping enough?" "is his poop the right color (yes, this is something I worry about as well--never thought I would)?", "is he developing like he should?" I'm going to focus on the great job that Brad and I have done as new parents, the wonderful smiles Gavin flashes (all the time now), the great cooing conversations we have while he's on the changing table, and all the other wonderful things Gavin has become to me. Besides, who could resist this face...

But, if anyone has suggestions for the whole "napping in the crib" thing, feel free to post a comment. I'm open to suggestions from all of you moms out there!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Felon Among Us...

Got your attention?

So, a few weeks ago, Stuart committed his first felony against one of Gavin's "friends", a blue rubber ducky. See Exhibit 1 below.

He was sentenced to probation for his actions.

Then, today, I discovered his second victim, a turtle (named "Turt") from Gavin's Boppy play mat. See Exhibit 2 below. A clear violation of his probation.

So, I pulled together a jury of Stuart's peers (below), they heard his case, and found him guilty of murder.

Lesson learned for me--never trust the dog. He is always up to no good.

Gavin is very upset with the loss and just can't bring himself to comment. Well, it could be the vaccines he received today at his 2 month well child visit. He's been in a sleep coma all afternoon and evening.
PS--All else went well at his appointment. He's now 9 lbs 10 oz and 23 inches long, putting him in the 10th percentile for weight and 50th percentile for length. Developmentally, he's met all of his milestones--cooing, smiling, kicking, grasping, etc.

Monday, April 20, 2009

He Did It!

Just got the results...


He met his goal of under 3 hours. Yay Brad (Dad)! We're waiting on a phone call to get his reaction to the day...more to come!

Go Dad Go!

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Saturday, April 18, 2009

B is for Boston

Go Brad Go!

This morning, Brad and his parents embarked on their journey to Boston for the Marathon on Monday. They're enjoying a couple of days of sight seeing prior to the big race. So, Gavin and I are on our own for the first time. It's very weird right now. I just put Gavin to bed -- I think he really missed that goodnight kiss from Dad.

If anyone is interested in tracking Brad during the race on Monday (starts at 10:00am), you can visit this site to sign up for email or text alerts at the 10K, half, 30K and finish. You'll need his bib number and DOB, 1668 and 1/15/1980 respectively. Also, the marathon will be broadcast on Versus (channel 55 on Comcast in the Grand Rapids area). We probably won't see Brad on TV, but I guess you never know. You will get to see the top runners...and possibly an American male will win the marathon. This would be the first time and American has won since GR native (and fellow West Catholic grad) Greg Meyer's win in 1983. Two of America's best male marathoners will be running this year -- olympians Ryan Hall and Brian Sell. How exciting!

So, say some prayers for Brad that he has a great, healthy, safe run on Monday and really enjoys soaking in all that the Boston Marathon has to offer.

We're proud of you! And we're with you in spirit!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Taxation without Representation

Happy Tax Day!

This onsie was the first piece of clothing Brad and I bought for, at the time, the twinkle in our eyes. We bought this years ago, knowing that some day we would have a little guy or gal to wear it. I thought it was quite appropriate for today. And it's ironic how we bought just the right size for Gavin! So, this post is dedicated to Grandpa Fred (for those of you who don't know, my dad works for the IRS).

And because Gavin is too little to participate in one of the many tea parties that have been organized for today, he and I had a tea party of our own this morning. He learned all about "taxation without representation" and responded by saying "ohhhh, ahhhh, haaaa, grunt" (translation: "no fair!").

Monday, April 13, 2009

Catching Up

It's been awhile since my last real post. Here's an update from the past couple of weeks. Gavin is growing, growing, growing. At the breastfeeding support group today, he weighed 9 lbs 2 oz. It think this puts him around the 10th percentile for weight...a little better than the previous 3rd percentile. But, I've vowed to not overly worry about comparing him with his peers. He is a healthy, thriving little guy. So much so that a couple of weeks ago, he officially outgrew all of his newborn size clothes. His legs and feet just popped right out...

Our trip to Florida was wonderful, given that it started with worries about Gavin's fever. He did fantastic with all of the travel. Here he is with his wings. The flight attendant also gave him a certificate documenting his first flight. He sure was the hit on the plane rides!

Here's just a random picture of him relaxing in Florida...deep in thought.

With Grandma Mary and Grandpa Fred...

And we had to get a few pics of him on the beach, even though he didn't spend much time outside. He was cautiously left inside during the sunny, hot days, only coming out in the mornings and evenings for walks.

We came back from Florida just in time for Easter. Here's Dad filling in for Gavin on the Easter egg hunt. Next year, Gavin will be able to run around and find his own eggs.

Here's Dad's findings...

Well, I'm off for now. While we have a little angel most of the time, he does have his moments. And he's having one right now. Time to fill that belly and get him to bed!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

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Smiling...Caught on Camera

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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Family Photo Opp

Monday, April 6, 2009

Splish Splash!

We made it to Florida...after a couple of scary days at home. Gavin had a fever on Wednesday and then again on Friday when we were supposed to be leaving for Chicago (to fly out the next morning). I took him to the doctor on Wednesday with a temp of 100.5. He also was a little more fussy than normal the night before. He was looked over and we were told he was fine and just to keep checking his temp. The doctor who saw him thought he may just have a virus and it would pass. His temp was normal at the office. So, I continued checking his temperature and then it spiked again at 4:00 on Friday to 101.2. Just when I thought we were in the clear and, of course, just when we were supposed to be leaving for vacation. So, Brad and I took him into Express Care at Advantage Health that evening and canceled our hotel for Chicago. Fortunately, he again was examined and his temp was back to normal, so we were given the go ahead on traveling to Florida. We certainly would have canceled if necessary, but we're glad it wasn't. So, after one hour of sleep (for me), we drove to Chicago for our 6:00am flight. Gavin was an angel for all of the travel, sleeping through both plane rides. And now, we're here and enjoying our time. And his temperature has been normal thus far. Pray for us that he remains healthy and happy!

Here are a few pics...more to come later!

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