Saturday, July 26, 2008

Baby Clark's Debut

Quite the experience seeing the little one for the first time. For me, it was affirmation that I am, indeed, pregnant. With no pregnancy symptoms I was beginning to wonder if I really was pregnant.

So, I had to drink the standard 32 oz. of water an hour prior to the ultrasound. It's amazing how quickly the kidneys begin working! I was nearly in tears with pain by the time they called me back for my appointment. I thought I was going to pee myself in the waiting room or on the walk back to the ultrasound room. The ultrasound tech took one look at my bladder on the screen and demanded that I go to the bathroom because my "bladder was HUGE". I've never been so grateful in my life. After that, all was good in the world and we got our first glimpse of Baby Clark! I must say he/she is quite cute, big head and all!

There really is something growing inside me!

Thank you EPT!

Well, it's official...we're expecting! After many years of planning (probably a little too much planning), we're growing from a family of two to THREE.

It's amazing how many different emotions you can feel all at once when two lines appear on the pregnancy test--excitement, light-headedness, nervousness, a feeling that the world is moving in slow motion. Followed by about six nights of sleeplessness, tossing and turning, and just excitement. I found myself waking up at various points in the night and having the same feelings I had as a child the night before a big event--like a trip to Disney World or something. That whole butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling. And then it was very difficult to fall back asleep.

We found out the great news on Tuesday, June 17, scheduled our first OB appointment for a week later, and shared the news with immediate family. We're slowly and cautiously sharing the news with more family and friends...such a hard thing to keep a secret! And just yesterday, we had a 10 week ultrasound. Baby Clark was dancing around in utero and his/her heart was stong, beating at 163 beats/minute. Very cool to hear the rapid heart rate and see the little one, who at this point is just 3 cm long! Our due date is estimated as February 21, 2009.

So far, I've been feeling great! I've experienced no morning sickness, nausea, vomiting, food-aversions or any of the other classic early-pregnancy symptoms. Maybe just a little more fatigue. But I'm remaining active--running, walking, biking, swimming, gardening--all the usual things. I guess I'm just one of the few lucky ones who's escaped the first trimester woes.

Brad and I will be updating this blog to document all of our experiences along the road. Check back for updates and pics!

...We're going to be parents : )