Sunday, March 30, 2014

February Recap - The Big FIVE (and other happenings)

Boy, I've turned into an EVERY OTHER month blogger as of late, huh?  Pretty bad.  I'm going to make an effort to get back on course.  We're nearing the end of March and I'm going to update you all on February first.  Then I'll tackle March.  And soon we're off to Florida for our April vacay so I'll have lots of photos, stories and memories to share.  Back to that glorious beach after this insanely cold and snowy winter.  Can't wait!

Speaking of snow...we did lots of this the last few months...

Isla really began getting into solid foods and self feeding in February.  Here she is getting started with some puffs.

Our little cupid

And, drum roll please, someone in our house turned FIVE!  I can't believe it, a whole hand!  We celebrated with family and friends and an Avengers theme.  So, what's it like at five?  A whole lot of fun.  Gavin continues to improve his reading skills, more easily sounding out words and tackling bigger words with more syllables.  He's always been a creative kid and that continues.  He's forming more friendships at DK, going to school everyday half days.  Full day kindergarten next year we've decided. 

Gavin's love for Lego's continues.  He received several "sets" as birthday gifts (thanks everyone).  I think he had them all assembled within two days.  He's very good at following the directions and is very dedicated to seeing each set through, not wanting to stop until it is complete. 

Superheros are a big hit right now.  I've learned so much about each Avenger and superhero by reading books with Gavin about them.  And Brad and I have watched some of the Avenger movies as well - I actually liked many of them, with Ironman (the original) and Captain America being my faves. 

Here's our Ironman at his birthday party.

And Captain America and baby Hulk.  (not pictured: me as Thor)

We had a delicious and fun Avenger cake this year.

Hulk pudding

Captain America fruit

And lots of fun decorations and balloons.  In fact, the balloons are still hanging around a month later in our playroom.

Love the "action" shot of blowing out the candles.

A "five" for five!

Decorations on his "actual factual" birthday morning.

Monster's University!

In other news, this little girl turned 9 months.  Here's my attempt at taking my own nine month photos.  A few of them turned out blog worthy.

Isla is still our little sweetie.  A clingy sweetie with separation anxiety going on four months now.  She just loves mom and dad (dad in particular).  And loves her Gavin.  She babbles lots of sounds, moves all around by rolling and has just started to crawl.  We discovered she doesn't like to crawl while wearing pants - I suppose they've been holding her back all this time!  Put her in a onesie and she's off!  She loves to play peek-a-boo (I'll post a video soon), be lifted "way up high" and told she is "so big".  She's even started to dance/move to music - and gets lots of practice now that we own Frozen, one of our all time favorite Disney movies. 

She's a great eater with solids and self feeding and is starting to eat more and more table foods along with the rest of the family.  She's a bit of a distracted breast feeder as of late - too much else going on!  But we're working through it.  Same with Gavin around this age, too.  Just so much developmentally going on to keep her little mind busy!