Saturday, February 27, 2010

12 month well-child

Gavin had his 12 month doctor's appointment on Thursday morning. All went well -- he has reached all expected milestones. He measured 30 inches (50th percentile) and was 17 pounds 12 ounces (less than 3rd percentile). He's still a skinny little guy, but continuing to gain at each appointment. His doctor continues to not be concerned about his weight, so it makes me feel comforted. Genetics are against him, I suppose, to be a chubby baby. I'm over it. He is doing just fine at the size he is.

It's funny to hear them rattle off the "yes" or "no" questions on milestones. All of them are things that we have very much noted over the past couple of months -- playing peek-a-boo, waving, clapping, pointing (which he is very much into the last few weeks), walking, saying "mama" and "dada".

Our little guy is keeping up with where he should be...very reassuring!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

First Year In Review

Check out this video capturing my favorite photos from Gavin's first year. I narrowed it down to just two photos per month. I was shooting for one from each month, but just couldn't limit it that much. Thanks EB for the idea!

Can't believe he's already one...sigh!


If you can't view the photo video above, click here to view on You Tube.

THE party

With no further ado, here's the run down from the big day. Friday, we spent the afternoon baking and decorating the Baby Einstein caterpillar cake. Thank goodness for a Grandma who is good at icing! It seemed like a long afternoon -- Gavin took a spill into the corner of our kitchen cabinets and split his lip quite badly (well, in my estimation at least). I've never heard him cry so terribly. He couldn't catch his breath for about 10 minutes. And I was freaking out. Good thing we had a calm dad and Grandma there. So, he survived and was back to playing within 15 minutes, but I remained worried all afternoon, hoping the fall didn't damage his teeth or mouth too severely.

Here's the master icer in action...

And the finish product. It turned out just how I had pictured it. Cupcake border and all!

Here was Gavin's portion...

Many wonderful gifts were given (thank you all!). Some even tasted good...

The balloons were a hit. Gavin is very into pointing at things right now and the balloons were very intriguing to him.

Bows are always fun.

And the best part of the day...CAKE. Lots and lots of yellow iced cake.

I love his big eyes in this picture, amidst the frosting all over.

Into the tub you go!

So, it was a very fun time for our family and friends to gather. Gavin was just a great little guy, enjoying being sung to and all the attention. He is such a fun, easy-going, lovable little one year old. And he is walking around everywhere now, almost preferring it to crawling. Every day he gets more and more stable and goes a little further. He's also saying a few words -- momma, dadda (and he knows who we are), nana (banana) and boopa (not sure what this means, but he says it a lot).

One is so much fun!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Happy First Birthday!

I love all of these pictures, taken today on Gavin's ONE year birthday. They capture precisely who he is...a happy, goofy, full-of-life little guy.

More to come on turning one -- the big party is on Saturday!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Marathon Dreams

I'm on a runner's high.

I'm SO enjoying winter running. I've always liked it. A little crazy? Yes. But there is really nothing like stepping out into 20 degree (or colder) weather all bundled up and going for a nice long run. It gets me out of the house during an otherwise cooped-up season. And, not that I don't love spending time with my family, but it's really my only "Erica" time.

Brad and I are both training for the River Bank Run. I missed out on the race last year, as I was just 12 weeks postpartum and only 6 weeks back to running after having Gavin by the time the race rolled round. And while I ran all last winter up until 38 and 1/2 weeks pregnant, none of it was outside...too slippery and dangerous for the large belly and precious cargo I was supporting. And there aren't bathrooms strategically placed every one mile -- about my bladder's limit at that time in my pregnancy.

This winter running season has been extra wonderful, given the long wait. I actually enjoy running in the winter more than the hot summer. The only major downfall are the short days. I can't usually get a run in outside on weekdays. By the time I get home from work, it is dark not much later (though I must say I do notice the days are starting to get a little longer now). So, we usually spend a couple week days running inside at Grand Valley's track. And then those Saturday long runs outside are so great! The track at GVSU is nice, but no where near the experience of true road running...snow, ice, cold and all!

Okay, back to the title of the post...Marathon Dreams.

I was out on one of my long runs a couple of weekends ago. It was a beautiful, sunny winter day. We've actually been pretty blessed with lots of sun on Saturday mornings lately (with the exception of this past weekend). I was trucking along, listening to some Taylor Swift (Fearless, of all titles), and I had what seemed like a crazy thought..."I want to run a marathon". I kept thinking about it all along my run, getting more and more excited about the idea. And of course, I'm injury-free right now so the idea actually seemed do-able. I decided the Chicago Marathon would be ideal for a first marathon, given the large crowd of spectators who would cheer me on. And of course the somewhat close proximity to home. The Grand Rapids Marathon would work, too(I did the half marathon in GR in October), but the crowd is no where as large. I'd need the encouragement of others to get through.

Also, the time seems right. I won't be pregnant (most likely) and I'll be done breastfeeding. I've found breastfeeding and training for a long-distance race is do-able, but requires a TON of calories. I was an eating machine last summer and fall when I was training for the half marathon. Not to mention the planning that goes into long runs -- feed baby, get ready to run, go for up to a two hour run, get home, shower, engorged, feed baby. Gavin was eating about every three to four hours at the time. And exclusively breastfeed at the time...demanding on my body. Okay, sorry for all the details...

I got back from my run and shared my idea with Brad, who, as I knew, enthusiastically jumped on the thought. He could run it, too. He has some revenge to have on the course, given Chicago was his first marathon (2007) and it was unseasonable and unsafely hot (90 degrees in October). Needless to say, his time was not what he was shooting for. But at least he finished, as many runners were not able. They canceled the race 3 and 1/2 hours in, after Brad had finished luckily. And he was fortunate to have water all along the course. They ran out of water for runners farther back.

So, our Valentine's gift to each other was to take a leap of faith and register for the race. It's official, I WILL BE RUNNING MY FIRST MARATHON...barring any injury.

I'm so excited and nervous all at the same time...but what a goal to look forward to!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

First Steps!

Over the past few days, Gavin has been taking one to two little shuffle steps on his own. Tonight (I'm the only witness), he took FIVE steps on his own. I was sitting on the floor a few feet away from him. He was standing holding on to our recliner. Then, out of the blue, he turned and took five steps. I was counting and praising loudly, which probably frightened him a bit. Then down he went.

So, I suppose he is officially walking?

Just over one week until his first birthday!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Bumps and Bruises

I'm finding it's not easy being little. Seems like every day we have a few minor injuries as Gavin explores and expands his almost walking skills. A bumped head, little scrape, split lip. It's tough being little. Here are a few photos from the past week. The last one is from this morning--a minor little cut to the lip from a toy. Gavin likes to help his injuries with a cold cloth.

Checking out what's outside.

Cruising 'round the furniture.

Not sure what this face is...just being goofy.

Poor baby!