Saturday, July 26, 2008

Thank you EPT!

Well, it's official...we're expecting! After many years of planning (probably a little too much planning), we're growing from a family of two to THREE.

It's amazing how many different emotions you can feel all at once when two lines appear on the pregnancy test--excitement, light-headedness, nervousness, a feeling that the world is moving in slow motion. Followed by about six nights of sleeplessness, tossing and turning, and just excitement. I found myself waking up at various points in the night and having the same feelings I had as a child the night before a big event--like a trip to Disney World or something. That whole butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling. And then it was very difficult to fall back asleep.

We found out the great news on Tuesday, June 17, scheduled our first OB appointment for a week later, and shared the news with immediate family. We're slowly and cautiously sharing the news with more family and friends...such a hard thing to keep a secret! And just yesterday, we had a 10 week ultrasound. Baby Clark was dancing around in utero and his/her heart was stong, beating at 163 beats/minute. Very cool to hear the rapid heart rate and see the little one, who at this point is just 3 cm long! Our due date is estimated as February 21, 2009.

So far, I've been feeling great! I've experienced no morning sickness, nausea, vomiting, food-aversions or any of the other classic early-pregnancy symptoms. Maybe just a little more fatigue. But I'm remaining active--running, walking, biking, swimming, gardening--all the usual things. I guess I'm just one of the few lucky ones who's escaped the first trimester woes.

Brad and I will be updating this blog to document all of our experiences along the road. Check back for updates and pics!

...We're going to be parents : )