Tuesday, November 25, 2008

3 Months To Go!

It's amazing how quickly time has been going by lately. It seems like just a few weeks ago we were staring at that positive pregnancy test, and now here we are almost 28 weeks pregnant. The past month has been exciting. I've been feeling lots of baby movement, and Brad can even feel it now. And at times I get a powerful kick that we can see coming out of my expanding belly. So cool!

We had a doctor's appointment today. I was lucky enough to have an oral glucose tolerance test and an injection of Rhogam all in the same visit. Actually, I must say it was not as bad as others have told me it would be. The glucose solution wasn't that bad--just a very sweet orange pop flavor. And the Rhogam, while it was a bit uncomfortable, was a quick thing. Now we're just waiting on the results of the glucose test--hopefully we are gestational diabetes free.

Baby Clark's heart rate was back up around 150 today. We're tracking along just like we should--good weight gain and measurements. After my next appointment in 3 weeks, we will start going every 2 weeks. Crazy how much time you spend in the doctor's office--probably more in the past 7 months than in the past 7 years combined! But we just love to hear that heart beat each time!

Not much else to report as I enter my third trimester. Just some occasional night-time heart burn (which I've never had before being pregnant) and leg cramps. Running is getting a bit more difficult, but is still very enjoyable. I've just been noticing a little low back pain from the extra weight. I think I'll look into buying a brace and see if that helps. And I think I'm going to start water aerobics next week. It will be nice to feel weightless. All in all, I really love being pregnant!

I thought I'd post a couple more pics of the nursery. We finished some of the details a couple of weeks ago--added decals to the walls and put together the bedding in the crib. Just a few more details to finish and then we're ready. And we also bought the running stroller we'd been researching for months--a BOB Revolution. It has great reviews online and we can't wait to try it out. Brad really wants to take for a spin around the neighborhood...we'll see.

Happy Thanksgiving--we certainly have lots to be thankful for!