Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of our blog readers! Christmas 2008 was a great one for us. Baby Clark and I celebrated our first baby shower...with the Clark's on December 20. We have such generous family. The food was great, the company was wonderful and we were blessed to receive some very nice gifts. Thank you to all who attended the shower and gave us such wonderful, needed gifts! We are so grateful to have such fantastic family! Here's a picture of Brad (and Stuart) showcasing a couple of the gifts...

The same day as the shower, we celebrated Christmas with the entire Clark clan and then the Gavin's as well...a busy day for us! But a very fun day, as well.

We had our 31 week Dr. appointment on Monday...all is well with Baby Clark and me. My doctor showed us how we can feel for Baby C's position. At the appointment, he/she was head down, but my doctor said that could change over the next couple of weeks. Heart rate, for those of you who are tracking, was around 140. Slightly lower than the last several appointments. We heard the final report on the glucose challenge test from the appointment before--no risk for gestation diabetes (sigh of relief). So, starting now, we get to go for OB appointments every 2 weeks instead of every 4 weeks. Soon it will be weekly...exciting (and scary) that we're getting that close! I've been feeling very good, considering we've only got 8 weeks to go. Occasionally, I wake up with a sore back, but it usually resolves with a warm shower. And I've been feeling lots of hiccups coming from baby for the past few weeks...usually a few bouts per day.

Our Christmas events continued with the traditional Christmas eve gathering with my family and Christmas day with Brad's family. What a great couple of days. We were, again, blessed with many nice gifts, both for us and for the baby. But my favorite part of the holidays is giving gifts and seeing everyone's reactions. Especially our nephew and nieces...that's what Christmas is all about! This year, our nephew Lucas set a record--he woke up at 1:30am ready to open gifts! Brad and I are hoping that our little one does NOT take after his big cousin in this respect.

Here are a few pics of Christmas...Happy New Year to you all!

Baby goodies from Andy and Karen

This ornament says it all!

Our little basketball at 32 weeks!