Monday, August 3, 2009

Retro Toys, Pools, and Nature

Standing is quickly become one of the favorites in our household. If Gavin is anything like his dad, he has a mere two months (per Grandpa Mark) to master the skill of walking. Something tells me it will be a bit longer than that.

My mom dug out (literally) some of my and my brothers' old baby toys. I still remember spending many a hour playing with some of these, now, retro toys. Check out that spinny thing in the front of the picture. Gavin really enjoyed playing with it...along with my old radio. Not quite an iPod...
The highlight of the weekend? The little toes made their first dip into the pool at Grandma Mary and Grandpa Fred's. Rave reviews!

Little toes, big toes...

And Gavin got a close look at some of Grandma Mary's flowers (and the crunchy grass he was sitting in). Such great textures to feel!