Saturday, September 19, 2009

Firefighter Appreciation

My brother, Tim, who is a firefighter for Wright-Tallmadge Township, invited us to attend the township's firehouse open house. We thought it would be fun for Gavin to see Uncle Tim in action. So, we dressed him in his fire engine shirt and off we went.

Here are Uncle Tim and Gavin sitting on the big fire engine.

I think it will be even more fun in years to come, as Gavin gets older. And as all little boys do, I'm sure he'll develop a true love for "big trucks" and all of the firefighter heros out there.

Here's Uncle Tim using the "jaws of life" in a simulated car crash. They even had AeroMed fly in to demonstrate a medical emergency. We missed all of the helicopter action (during nap time),but it was great to see all of the wonderful work these men and women do every day to keep the public safe.

A big thank you to all of you hard working soles who repeatedly put your lives on the line for others! And who inspire little boys like ours to serve others.