Tuesday, January 26, 2010

New Territory

Gavin has discovered "new land" in our living room. He now frequently hangs out behind the love seat and has also discovered the fun of looking out the window. He is so quick now -- pulling up on EVERYTHING, even balancing with no hands for a few seconds, cautiously falling to his bottom, cruising around the furniture and his toys. Everyday he perfects his skills a little more -- it's like a count down to walking on his own. Who knows how far off it is. Some days I think it could be a couple more months. Other days I think it could be any minute. Hard to say since this is our first go round with the experience. And I've noticed each day that Gavin's playing skills are evolving. He's starting to understand how to really play with some of his toys now and has fun doing it. He dances to music, bops his head, goes back for more of what he likes to hear. It's a lot of fun to watch!



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Jodi said...

I will not be surprised to see him walking by his 1st birthday. He is definitely on the move!!