Saturday, June 5, 2010

Expert Toddler

It becomes more and more apparent each day that our little guy is becoming an expert toddler. His creative mind is blossoming at rapid speeds. He engages in toys and books in ways that he hasn't in the past months. I think he is learning to understand the meaning of stories and pictures, as well as all of the cool things he can accomplish with his toys.

Here is "Giddy" horse who Gavin pets, feeds and rides like a true equestrian (well, a true toddler equestrian).

Gavin is a definite little boy - he loves trucks and cars. He runs to the window every time he hears one go by our house, points and exclaims with excitement "caa". We took him to the Memorial Day parade in Walker to see all of the trucks and cars. His favorite, of course, was Uncle Tim's Firetruck (that's him in the driver seat below).

We spent a nice evening strolling about in Grand Haven on Thursday. We discovered that not only does our little guy like cars and trucks, he is fascinated with boats. He points and says "brrrrrmmm".

And the Silly Town stackable little creatures (for lack of a better definition) are providing hours of entertainment. Here is Gavin stacking a couple of them on the windowsill (one of his favorite play areas). He has gotten as high as six stacked before it collapses. He is very proud of his little towers.

I'll have some more photos to post soon of pool time today. I forgot my camera and had to borrow my mom's this morning/afternoon to get some pics. Now I just need to take the time to download them from her camera.