Tuesday, July 20, 2010

For Grandma

My parents are vacationing in Europe for two weeks, so I've been given strict instruction that I need to post photos so they can get their "Gavin fix" while away. Here are some photos of just everyday stuff, nothing terribly exciting.

Gavin is getting quite good at coordinating utensils. Here he is enjoying Cheerios with milk. It's still a bit of a messy experience, but much less messy than just a couple of months ago.

He looks so old to me in this picture. Sometimes I look at him and still see the baby in him, other times, I look and I can see glimpses to the future of Gavin as an older child or even teenager. I can see some of the teenager in him here.

Mischievousness is at an all time high. Many times the furniture becomes off-limit because Gavin is just too wild and fearless...and his mother is not!

"Boons" - Balloons, great fun!