Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas: Round 1

I'm making a valiant effort to get caught up on the blog with all of the holiday happenings these past few weeks. I'm behind, I know it. We all shared a family cold last week, bringing my energy level close to zero, though we have done lots in spite of the runny noses. Just no blogging.

Last night, we celebrated Christmas with my parents, brothers and sister-in-law. Typically, we get together on Christmas eve, but Tim had to work the holiday weekend this year. Regardless of the day celebrated, it is always a fantastic time! Gavin had so much fun opening and playing with gifts. In fact, I think his favorite word yesterday was "open". I love seeing the joy in his face, even with just the smallest of gifts. And we had a great time sharing our gifts with others, my favorite part of the holidays.

Gavin loves his spinny car toy from Uncle Tim (even though we don't have batteries for it yet- it's still fun).

MaeMe made him homemade "Cars" pajamas that are absolutely adorable!

Lots of books that have kept him entertained all day. In fact, Gavin sat on my lap on the couch for at least 30 consecutive minutes this morning looking at all of his new books. For those of you who know Gavin, you know that he NEVER sits still for more than three minutes at a time. I just loved the snuggle time!

Gavin (and Brad and I) bought a toy box for MaeMe and BaPa, so that there is a more official place to store all of his "retro" toys (things that my mom has been holding on to for years from my brothers and I when we were little).

Uncle Andy and Aunt Karen got Gavin this cool tent with a tunnel. He loves it and spent a good portion of today hiding out in it and playing.

And MaeMe and BaPa gave Gavin his first ever wagon. Again, the child loves all things with wheels, so it was an instant hit. It is a super fancy wagon, too, with lots of bells and whistles (some for the parents!). It will be great fun this spring and summer, once the snow is melted.

Rounds two and three of Christmas are tomorrow...more to come!