Sunday, October 23, 2011


What a beautiful weekend! We took advantage of the gorgeous fall weather and journeyed to pick out pumpkins. And then carved them. This year, Gavin was more fascinated with the farm equipment than the pumpkins. Here he is on Uncle Jeff's tractor.

And the apple samples were a great morning snack. Nothing like stopping for a bite among the pumpkins. I love Gavin's scrunchy face as he devours the apple!

Our family of pumpkins...including the perfect little angel pumpkin!
Carving, and enjoying the feel of pumpkin guts between our fingers. Something about that is so disgusting but cool at the same time.

Our pumpkin siblings...Gavin's on the left and Grace's on the right. Gavin requested that his pumpkin have "eight teeth" this year. We settled on two. And I thought Grace's pumpkin was fitting with no teeth, given if she were living, we'd still be in that gummy, no teeth, big giggly smile phase with her. So, it seemed appropriate.

We made a special delivery for Grace at dusk tonight. And now we'll see how long those battery-operated votive candles last. It looked pretty cool flickering away! And makes me feel happy to still be able to include her in our holiday traditions. I've always thought Halloween is such a special and fun holiday for children.