Saturday, January 21, 2012

Cruise Bound!

A quick post today as we prepare to head out for our Disney Cruise! After a weather scare last night, we've rerouted our flights through Detroit instead of Baltimore, so it should be smooth sailing!

Last weekend we played in the snow, this weekend we'll play in the sun, pool and sand! I have to say I'm very excited. It's a big step to normalcy to be taking this vacation and it feels good. Certainly, I'd trade the vacation a gazillion times over if we just had Grace with us. I went to visit her in the midst of a snow storm yesterday...gosh I wish she were here to go on this trip with us. All of the Disney Princesses and fun little girls have is missed - in fact it's like a dagger through my heart to not have those experiences. For now, we'll dwell in the excitement of her brother enjoying all of the Disney heroes. And enjoy our time with Shirley. We all really need this vacation!

So, we're off soon. If I'm able on the ship, I'll try to post some photos. Otherwise, stay tuned next weekend for the update! And pray for us that our crew/captain make wiser decisions than the tragedy in Italy. I suppose we have Buzz Lightyear and others to keep us safe!