Thursday, July 19, 2012


We've been doing a lot of swimming this summer in the unseasonably, unbearably HOT weather.  I thought I'd let the videos do most of the talking for this post.  Gavin's skills in the pool are advancing by the day.  I've put these videos in chronologic order, but all five or so of them were taken within about three weeks of each other.  He started out the swimming season doing really well with his swimmies, took on the diving board and slide, and most recently is swimming independently for up to 20ish feet.  It's amazing to watch him advance!  We started him in lessons a few weeks ago, but really the course is focused on toddler basics, so he is much more advanced than what he's learning in class (but those skills are still important too, so we're not bumping him up).

It's been a blast!

Diving board with swimmies: Slide with swimmies: Shallow end with no swimmies: Diving board with no swimmies: And just this week, swimming independently in the deep end: Sorry, I know this is excessive, but I love to document these milestones!