Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Going to the Lodge!

We spent the weekend before Thanksgiving at Great Wolf Lodge.  It was a ton of fun, even for the adults.  Shirley came along and couldn't get enough of the "yellow slide"!  Gavin's favorite was the big huge bucket of water that dumped ferociously every 5 minutes.  It was too much water pressure for him to take a direct hit, but he would have given the chance.  We let him stand just outside of the main "target" zone.  And a few times in the target zone with Brad there to huddle over him for protection!  No matter where we were in the water park, every 5 minutes Gavin had to stop to at least watch the bucket dump.  For days later, I was still hearing the dinging that went along with it!

Here are some fun photos and videos! 

Santa arrived for a visit to the Lodge by Coast Guard helicopter!  And then the kids were able to sit in the helicopter and we met the lieutenant of the helicopter.  It was an awesome little boy fantasy experience!

Beware, it's a long, but fun, video!

 Back to the water!