Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Happy Holidays!

A bit overdue, but finally an update on the holidays and other happenings around our house.  Winter is in full swing, and what a winter it's been.  We're on pace for record snow fall and some of the coldest temps in years - and only about half way through the season.  I'm looking forward to spring more and more with each passing day.  We are, however, embracing winter as much as we can.  Sledding, snow balls, snowmen and just general snow fun.  Isla hasn't experienced any of it yet, though I suppose she is getting big enough for a first sled ride around the house.

I've been enjoying winter running again, after a bit of a hiatus during my pregnancy.  I'm officially really back into it.  Completed my first double digit run on Sunday in over two years - 10 miles on a frigid, windy, bluster, snowy day.  Though it was better conditions that the icy weekend prior.  I was skating through that eight miler!  It feels great to be loving running - and loving my smaller size clothes that I haven't fit into in some time.  I love being pregnant and actually like maternity clothes, but that in between body phase post baby is just not a good phase.  I like where I'm headed.  A bit of work to do on the mid-section, but I just need to commit to some ab workouts, ugh, I'd rather run!

Brad made it through "Movember" with full-on facial hair - shaved just in time for our family photos when Isla turned 6 months!  He looks so different (see below), glad he's back to "Brad" now.

And our Isla, gosh, she just changes every day.  Since my last post, she's begun solid foods- on Thanksgiving of all days!  She loves just about everything we've given her, always opening wide for more - started with rice cereal, then veggies like peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, then fruits like apples, pears, peaches, bananas, prunes.  Her favorites seem to be oatmeal cereal, squash, and bananas.  The only thing she hasn't really liked is avocado (what's up with hating that, one of my favorites!) and peaches.  We even started some puffs this week - she's generally confused by the texture, so that may take some time.  She's still a rock star breast feeder.  I love this phase of breast feeding - it's so easy and fast.  And the girl just loves to eat.  We've secretly nicknamed her "Beast", which isn't the most princess-like, girlie nickname, but does well depict her love for food.  In stark contrast to brother who would go days without eating if it meant he could just play and run around like a maniac.

Isla is also becoming quite the roller, getting everywhere she wants to be with some rolls to the left.  Doesn't really like rolling to her right yet.  No crawling yet, though maybe she'll go right to walking?  She's a great sitter and her reaching skills are becoming quite good.  She's not quite able to go from tummy or back to sitting yet, but I don't think it is far off.

In the language department, she just loves to babble and SCREAM with delight.  She started to say "mamamamama" around 6 months, "dadadadadada" didn't come until around 7 months.  And lots of other combos.  And within the past few weeks, she says "momma" and "di da" appropriately to me and Brad, so is catching on to our "names".

Isla has quite the stranger danger/separation anxiety issue going on, since around 6 months.  Just likes to be with mom, dad, and brother.  Even grandma's are scary.  It sure makes getting out on a date a challenge.  Though we did escape for a concert a couple of weeks ago, with successful babysitting by MaeMe.

So, on to the photo dump.  I need to get better about more regular updates to the blog, so I don't spew so many photos at once.  I tell you, though, between long days at work, long commutes home in the crummy weather, and then a bit of a challenging "settling into bed" routine for Isla, by the time the kids are finally in bed sleeping and I have my run in on the treadmill for the night, I'm exhausted. Also, our laptop went through a rough patch and I had difficulty downloading photos - it was taking FOREVER.  I think it's in a better place now.  I think the soon to be longer days will also help get me more motivated.  So, hang with me blog followers, I'll get back on the wagon with regular posts.  I don't want to lose this chance to document our family, especially Miss Little One and her constant milestones.  I'll love to look back on this in the future, like I do know for Gavin and Grace.

Bring on the photos (and videos)...

Here's Gavin ready for his first venture of the year with his "winter gear", out to help dad slow blow the driveway (lots of that this year).

I'll start with a video of Isla's first belly laughs.  It's contagious!

 Speaking of dad, who's that creepy looking dude?  Oh, it's dad...with a creepy mustache and beard for Movember.  Thankfully, it's just a month!

Thanksgiving at our house while my parents embark on a remodel of their home - nearly complete now.  Uncle Dude!

We did funny seat assignments for Thanksgiving with Elf names that had to be translated.

And Gavin helped with the center pieces.  I asked him what he was most thankful for for each of our guests and then I wrote it on a paper leaf that we cut out and hung on our "trees".

Gobble, gobble! (isn't that hair accessory the cutest!)

First taste of solid food on her 6 month birthday (Thanksgiving)!

MaeMe found a very cool, vintage Lego set (actually turned out to be FOUR sets) in her basement and surprised Gavin with it on Thanksgiving.  It is a spaceship with several matching little sets and minifigures (circa late 1970's).

Blast off!

This kid is READING!  Every night, he impresses me with how much more he can read and how much faster he is getting at sounding out words.  Amazing.  It makes me tear up!

Getting our Christmas tree.  Isla is all bundled up like a care bear!  It was such a beautiful, sunny, mild day!

A trip to Chicago and of course a visit to the Lego Store!

And the Cheesecake Factory for dinner!

Something so cute about kiddos in jammies on a bed with white sheets!

I love this photo of Gavin playing pretend karate in a Macy's three way mirror in Chicago.  Triplets!

Our backyard winter wonderland (with some added graphics so you can visualize all of the snow fall we've experienced this winter)!

Hotel swimming!

And following is an assortment of Christmas photos....

Gavin's decorating includes ornaments only where he can reach to hang them!

Making cookies...

Layer and layers of sprinkles makes for a tasty (and crunchy) cookie.

Gavin's Christmas program.  He just loved wearing a tie!

Ugly sweater party with our neighbors - Thank you Goodwill for the awesome $3.69 finds (not holiday, but just too good to pass up).

Baby's first Christmas

All dressed up!

Christmas morning

She loved to watch the gifts opening and listening to the crinkly paper.

Check out those teeth!
 Backyard sledding!