Monday, January 12, 2009

40 Days and Counting

Today marks just 40 more days until our due date. How exciting! We had a little scare at my OB appointment on blood pressure was slightly elevated (133/88). My doctor was concerned and wants me to check it at home. So, I've been checking it a couple of times a day and it has been in the normal range, which is reassuring. Still, I'm feeling a little worried and doing a lot of reading on gestational hypertension and preeclampsia. I'm sure I'm over analyzing this but it's strange how you can be cruising along, feeling great (probably better than 99% of 34-week pregnant women) and then you hit a small bump in the road. And then my mind reverts to all of the things on my to-do list at work, which probably stresses me out even more and doesn't help my blood pressure--a vicious cycle! So, I'm trying to revert to a zen-like, stress-free state for my and the baby's health. I wish I were into yoga!

On the lighter side, we celebrated yet another wonderful shower over the weekend. This time, with the Hodges'. Again, a very spoiled baby, with some incredibly generous gifts. And we played this great game--matching candy and candy bar names to pregnancy and baby related things. Questions like: love life before baby (answer: good n plenty); love life after baby (answer: zero); stomach after baby (answer: jelly belly). It was very cute and I had never played that game at a shower before. I also got lots of words of advice from all the moms. Thanks to all of you wonderful Hodges women out there who were able to be a part of this special day! We really are blessed with such loving family!

Everyone stay warm this week in the sub-zero weather...gotta love Michigan winters!