Monday, January 26, 2009

Nesting in a Sea of Green and Yellow

Since my last post, much in Baby Clark Land has happened. We're now going for weekly OB appointments and I'm happy to report that my blood pressure, while a little high for me in a non-pregnant state, is back in the normal range. So no risk for gestational hypertension or preeclampsia to report. Baby Clark is growing well and officially "dropping" according to my doctor at today's appointment.

On January 18, we celebrated a baby shower with my girlfriends...what a great day! Thank you to all who came to celebrate our little one and to all of you distant friends who weren't able to make it but were thinking of us. We can't wait for you all to meet him/her!

Yesterday, I spent the whole day "nesting"--washing all the cute little gender neutral onesies, layettes, outfits, blankets and towels we've received as gifts over the past weeks. So, three very large loads of little clothes later, it is all washed and ready to wear. I can't believe how tiny those 0-3 month onesies are! I really hope this baby doesn't have an aversion to light green and yellow!

I'm beginning to pay for my inability to just sit and relax. By 8:00 last night, after a day of running (slowly) a few miles in the morning, going to church, grocery shopping, running around the house hauling laundry, and bending to fold and put it all away, my lower back was screaming! Completely exhausted, Brad had to help me off the floor. Thank goodness for heating pads! I guess maybe it's time for me to slow down a little!

I think my nesting wore off on Brad, too. I found him in the basement yesterday afternoon putting the final touches on restoring the bassinet we'll be using for Baby Clark. My Grandpa Schilling (my mom's dad) made it years ago for my brothers and me and now it has been passed on to the next generation. It just needed some minor repairs and now it's ready to use! I'm sure Grandpa Schilling will be watching from heaven as Baby C sleeps peacefully (I stress peacefully) in his/her comfy accommodations!

Here are some pics of my and Brad's weekend nesting projects...