Thursday, April 30, 2009

Strike, Strike, Strike!

Gavin's new thing this past week is a strike on naps in his crib. We moved him from his bassinet in our bedroom to his "big boy" crib, in his room, last week Friday night. He did great with the transition. For me, it's a bit bittersweet. It's the "end" of the newborn phase and the beginning of more independence for our little guy. While I do feel it's very important for Brad and I to have our space from Gavin (and visa versa), particularly at night, it is sad to know he isn't sleeping right next to me. I must say, though, I think he is sleeping much more soundly now with more room. He was starting to get his hands caught between the rails of the bassinet and was just really squirming around a lot in there. Now, he seems to be more content at night.

I've also started trying to get him to nap more in his crib during the day, as opposed to napping in a sling, the swing, his car seat, or where ever else he drifts off to sleep. I've not been having great success with this new venture. I've tried swaddling, un-swadding, rocking, not rocking, music, no music...and the list goes on. And I can't find anything consistent that works. Just when I think I've figured him out, it changes the next day. If nothing else, Gavin is great at keeping me on my toes. I suppose I'm not the only new mom out there with this "problem". And I find that I obsess over his napping--if he doesn't sleep enough during the day, he gets overly tired and it's even harder to get him to sleep later. I suppose his napping schedule will develop with time -- whether I obsess or not. I almost feel, though, like I only have a few more weeks home with him to help him learn these important life lessons. And now I'm getting tears in my eyes thinking that our time together (all the time) is coming to an end.

Well, I'm going to stay positive. I wouldn't trade these past 10 weeks for anything in the world, obsessing and all. And my vow for these next three weeks is to stop obsessing and just enjoy every minute I have with our little miracle. So, no more worrying about "is he napping enough?" "is his poop the right color (yes, this is something I worry about as well--never thought I would)?", "is he developing like he should?" I'm going to focus on the great job that Brad and I have done as new parents, the wonderful smiles Gavin flashes (all the time now), the great cooing conversations we have while he's on the changing table, and all the other wonderful things Gavin has become to me. Besides, who could resist this face...

But, if anyone has suggestions for the whole "napping in the crib" thing, feel free to post a comment. I'm open to suggestions from all of you moms out there!