Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Felon Among Us...

Got your attention?

So, a few weeks ago, Stuart committed his first felony against one of Gavin's "friends", a blue rubber ducky. See Exhibit 1 below.

He was sentenced to probation for his actions.

Then, today, I discovered his second victim, a turtle (named "Turt") from Gavin's Boppy play mat. See Exhibit 2 below. A clear violation of his probation.

So, I pulled together a jury of Stuart's peers (below), they heard his case, and found him guilty of murder.

Lesson learned for me--never trust the dog. He is always up to no good.

Gavin is very upset with the loss and just can't bring himself to comment. Well, it could be the vaccines he received today at his 2 month well child visit. He's been in a sleep coma all afternoon and evening.
PS--All else went well at his appointment. He's now 9 lbs 10 oz and 23 inches long, putting him in the 10th percentile for weight and 50th percentile for length. Developmentally, he's met all of his milestones--cooing, smiling, kicking, grasping, etc.