Thursday, June 18, 2009


Yesterday, June 17, marked the one year anniversary of our knowing we were growing from a family of two to three. It was one year ago that I felt feelings of excitement, fear, anxiety, like the world spinning in slow motion, as I stared at the pregnancy test with TWO lines! What a day!

And today marks Brad and my 10 year "anniversary" -- we've not been married 10 years, but we've been together for a decade now! In September, we'll celebrate five years of marriage, but I still think it's special to celebrate this anniversary as well. I still remember our first date -- Olive Garden and mini golf. I believe I kicked his butt in mini golf, in fact. Just the beginning of many competitions between us -- Trivial Pursuit (which Brad always wins), Scrabble (which I always win), and more recently Wii sports (I still have him beat in Wii bowling, but he's got me in Mario Cart, baseball, golf, and the list goes on).

Here's a picture that shows perfectly where we were one year ago...and our little one today. What a difference a year makes!