Thursday, November 19, 2009

9 Months

A day late...

Our baby is quickly transitioning to...not a baby! Well, he is still very much a baby. But every day I look at him and see a little more of the little boy in him. And now he's been alive along as he was kicking around in utero.

We took Gavin for his 9 month well-child visit this morning. He continues to grow, grow, grow. But at a slower rate. He's slipping on the weight growth chart, so we're working to "plump him up". He's just not a chubby baby. All else went well at the appointment. He was able to get his first H1N1 vaccine and his second seasonal flu vaccine (thankfully they had a supply for second-round infants).

So, what's different and new at 9 months? Gavin is a little babbler, having many conversations in jibberish. And he is becoming more and more mobile every day. Still not quite crawling, but getting closer. He'll creep and roll all around to get where he wants to go. And gets up on his hands and knees, rocks back and forth, and leaps forward onto his belly. And the last couple of weeks he has perfected sitting from a laying position. We frequently find him sitting in the mornings now in his crib. Soon it will be standing!

He's also advancing with play. He enjoys the cause and effect of banging toys together, feeling the different textures and just general exploring. Simple toys are his favorites -- blocks, rings, his "cell phone" (that we call a Jitter Bug, due to its size). Here he his getting ready to check his voicemail.

Gavin survived his first cold a few weeks ago. He's come out of it with a new found fondness for solid foods. He's developing a liking for finger foods and many times prefers these over spoonfeeding. His favorites right now are baby french toast, avocados, bananas, peaches, yogurt, chicken and cheddar cheese. I think cheese is his very favorite (he is his mother's son in this aspect).

So, three quarters of a year already. Hard to believe!