Sunday, February 21, 2010

THE party

With no further ado, here's the run down from the big day. Friday, we spent the afternoon baking and decorating the Baby Einstein caterpillar cake. Thank goodness for a Grandma who is good at icing! It seemed like a long afternoon -- Gavin took a spill into the corner of our kitchen cabinets and split his lip quite badly (well, in my estimation at least). I've never heard him cry so terribly. He couldn't catch his breath for about 10 minutes. And I was freaking out. Good thing we had a calm dad and Grandma there. So, he survived and was back to playing within 15 minutes, but I remained worried all afternoon, hoping the fall didn't damage his teeth or mouth too severely.

Here's the master icer in action...

And the finish product. It turned out just how I had pictured it. Cupcake border and all!

Here was Gavin's portion...

Many wonderful gifts were given (thank you all!). Some even tasted good...

The balloons were a hit. Gavin is very into pointing at things right now and the balloons were very intriguing to him.

Bows are always fun.

And the best part of the day...CAKE. Lots and lots of yellow iced cake.

I love his big eyes in this picture, amidst the frosting all over.

Into the tub you go!

So, it was a very fun time for our family and friends to gather. Gavin was just a great little guy, enjoying being sung to and all the attention. He is such a fun, easy-going, lovable little one year old. And he is walking around everywhere now, almost preferring it to crawling. Every day he gets more and more stable and goes a little further. He's also saying a few words -- momma, dadda (and he knows who we are), nana (banana) and boopa (not sure what this means, but he says it a lot).

One is so much fun!