Saturday, February 27, 2010

12 month well-child

Gavin had his 12 month doctor's appointment on Thursday morning. All went well -- he has reached all expected milestones. He measured 30 inches (50th percentile) and was 17 pounds 12 ounces (less than 3rd percentile). He's still a skinny little guy, but continuing to gain at each appointment. His doctor continues to not be concerned about his weight, so it makes me feel comforted. Genetics are against him, I suppose, to be a chubby baby. I'm over it. He is doing just fine at the size he is.

It's funny to hear them rattle off the "yes" or "no" questions on milestones. All of them are things that we have very much noted over the past couple of months -- playing peek-a-boo, waving, clapping, pointing (which he is very much into the last few weeks), walking, saying "mama" and "dada".

Our little guy is keeping up with where he should be...very reassuring!