Friday, January 14, 2011

Expanding Beyond Three!

I've been waiting to share this exciting news with the blogging world! We will be welcoming another little one this summer (due July 20)! We're excited and nervous - though not nearly as nervous as when we were pregnant with Gavin...much more relaxed. It's funny how a second pregnancy brings about different emotions. In many ways, I feel so much like I know what to expect. In other ways, we have a world of unexpected things ahead. How will I devote my time to TWO little ones? Is there enough love to go around? Am I ready for sleepless nights again? How on earth will go grocery shopping, out to dinner...the simple things that have become so easy to master with just one kiddo. Now there will be TWO!

Aside from all of the unknowns (which I'm sure we'll just figure out, like millions of people do every day)...we are THRILLED! We have always known that we wanted to be parents to at least a couple of children. And Gavin is such a blessing, and just so much fun, that we can't wait to double our blessings.

So, without further ado, some photos that we've been saving to post when we made our official announcement...

While faint, that is a second line! I was trying to make myself believe I would be "okay" if it didn't appear, but then in just seconds, it was there. I remember this moment with my first pregnancy - I literally felt like the world was spinning in slow motion around me. I was dizzy. This time, I was much more subdued.

We waited to announce our news to our parents and siblings until Christmas, though we've known we were pregnant since mid-November. I made a tee-shirt for Gavin that we had our parents open at Christmas.

Here I am at about week 12 (last week). I must say, I am getting bigger much FASTER than with Gavin. I suppose they say that your uterus is like a balloon - easier to stretch out the second time around. Well, it's stretching alright! At 12 weeks, I look like I did when I was about 20 weeks along with Gavin. I'm sure people were beginning to suspect that I was pregnant (or just gaining some holiday weight) before we announced it. Needless to say, I'm glad that I never put away my maternity yoga pants (pictured above) from my first pregnancy. I LOVE maternity pants, particularly this pair that can pass as non-maternity when I'm not pregnant! I'm looking forward to getting the rest of my pants out of the storage bin - clothes are starting to get so tight!

Finally, here is a video that captures my mom's reaction to the news. It's pretty classic...