Thursday, January 6, 2011

More Christmas Catch-Up

After our Christmas morning just the three of us, we headed to Brian and Lisa's for Christmas with the Clarks. Brian and Lisa (and Lisa's parents) were wonderful hosts this year. It is always so much fun to get together and watch all of the kids attack their gifts. The girls added to their various collections of pink (Barbies, Build a Bears, Zhu Zhus...and all other things girly girl). Luke enjoyed more video games and a box of magic trick supplies. And Gavin reveled in Handy Manny, the Little People firehouse, and trucks, trucks, trucks (among other gifts).

Here's Gavin helping Grandma and Grandpa open a special present :)

Gavin modeling Dadda's new cool ND hat.

And then post party, back at home, with the mega blocks (that have now officially consumed our house). I'll post more on this particular gift, as it has been enjoyed more by Dadda than by Gavin (photos to follow).

And I just love this photo of the two little monkeys munching on their bananas. Leksi (who is obviously a Justin Bieber fan) came to exchange gifts with Gavin - thanks so much for the wonderful car ramp (not the one in the picture, a different one). It's a huge hit with our little car-aholic.

So, that sums up Christmas 2010. I'll have a couple more posts coming to demonstrate Brad's fabulous Mega Block skills and then one other Christmas-related post that I will leave you in suspense for!