Sunday, May 26, 2013

More Spring Project Photos

Here are some quick photos of more spring projects, including updates on my fab new garden!  It's all planted and really thriving.  I attempted to take photos the day I planted it, but was quickly attacked by about 1,000 mosquitoes when I approached the garden.  I couldn't even turn the camera on without being unbearably swarmed.  I quickly ran back into the house, swatting along the way, camera bouncing around my neck.  It was as if I was being attacked by mountain lions.  Quite the scene for any of our neighbors who caught it.  We've had some freakish variety of mosquitoes the past couple of weeks due to recent flooding and hatching of mutant mosquito eggs that have been laying dormant for several years just waiting for some water to activate them and then hatch.  Needless to say, we had our yard fogged to kill the little buggers and it is MUCH better now.

These photos are about a week old now.  I should take some updated photos - the tomatoes are easily twice the size they were when planted.

 Peppers and herbs

 My nice little walk-in area and planting beds!

 Seeds yet to germinate - radishes, carrots, snap peas, and two varieties of lettuce

 Planting (amid the freakish mosquitoes and HOT sun)

 Batman will keep the mosquitoes away! (actually, he built a Lego "mosquito shooter" to keep them away - wasn't 100% accurate unfortunately :) )

I also have been working on a decor project for Gavin's Lego bedroom.  I had this big idea (not even inspired by Pinterest; a true "Erica" original).  I turned some yellow paper lanterns into Lego heads.  Now, yes, they are not the perfect Lego head shape, a little too round.  But it's about the best I could think up.  They are now hanging in Gavin's room, after some bickering between Brad and I as we attempted to hang them.  In true "Erica" style, the project wasn't fully thought out - e.g. how would we get them to hang facing just the right way while dangling from thin ribbon?  Didn't think about that ahead of time.  Again, the best we could do.  Originally I wanted to hang them above Gavin's bed but quickly realized they would become jumping/punching bags quite quickly and my hours of work would be destroyed like a pinata.  So, they are just outside of jumping/punch distance, phew!