Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Welcome Isla Rose!

Elated to be announcing the addition of our daughter Isla Rose to our family.  Isla was born on May 28 at 6:16pm, weighing 6 pounds 3 ounces and 19 and 3/4 inches long.  She is our rainbow among the storms and we are delighted to have her with us.  Big brother is excited and I'm confident big sister had us wrapped in her wings this entire journey!

I've been secretly blogging about my pregnancy with Isla and even the time period leading up to the pregnancy.  I've been reluctant to share until she was here with us safe, sound, breathing and alive.  I'll post some of these in the days to come - a very truthful depiction of our struggles and triumphs in our family's journey.  Some may not be chipper and cheer (though many are), but they capture my thoughts at that very moment.  Some I may not post at all, haven't decided yet.  Give me some time, as I'll be a little occupied in the coming weeks with the care of a newborn.  I can't think of a better way to spend the coming weeks!

What a blessing our children are - welcome Isla!  More photos and details of her delivery to come!  For now, I'm off to feed my baby (wasn't sure I'd ever get to type those words again).


JJuell said...

Erica ... I'm so happy for you guys again ... and I think it's awesome for you to blog your feelings I'm sure it helped you through your journey and some day may help someone else who ventures through a similar situation some day! What a little blessing!