Friday, August 30, 2013

Schedule Mayhem: Back to Work, Back to School

This week added another new element to our family schedule.  Gavin is back to school!  Developmental kindergarten (young 5's) every day for a half day.  And I'm back to work as of last week.  Our household schedule has been thrown out the window!  Thank goodness Isla is so easy going and just goes with the flow.

We're so proud of Gavin - he's so excited for school and already loves his teacher, classroom and friends.  Day one, he left our side and never looked back.  Mr. Independence.  Interestingly, evenings have been a bit wild in our household.  When Gavin gets tired (which I think he's been with the new schedule), he gets a little crazy and spontaneous and bounces off the walls.  I'm hoping we all settle into the new schedule in the next week or so.  Brad has done remarkably well balancing the kids and school while I'm back to work.  Such a relief for me to know I don't need to worry!

 The night before school resumed - ready to conquer DK!

 Here's Gavin looking exactly like his Uncle Andy!  I see so much of my oldest brother in him in this photo.  Funny, because he usually looks like my brother Tim.  This is definitely Andy.

 So proud of his Lego Star Wars backpack (proportionally a little large for him, but too cool to pass up).

 This was an attempt to wink at the camera (his idea).

 Walking into school

In the classroom!

My transition back has gone well.  I'm excited to be back using that part of my brain again, jumping right back into all of my projects.  I missed them!  And my coworkers gave such a warm welcome back - confetti decorated desk, flowers, bagels.  It is nice to know I was missed!  Overall, the transition has been good.  When I went back to work after having Gavin, I remember it felt like the end.  But it's really not.  So, I think my transition has been better with Isla just given all that I know is ahead.  It's no where near the end.

 I suppose this is what goes on when I back at the office - poor girl, trapped by the train bridge!

 Our Isla at 3 months (12 pounds 4 ounces)!