Sunday, September 22, 2013

Isla's Baptism

Isla was baptized two weeks ago and it was a fantastic day!  My very good friend Elizabeth and my brother Tim were gracious enough to accept the important role of godparents for her.  I can't think of two better people to serve this important role in Isla's life.  They will be there to love and support her along with Brad and I and the rest of our family.  We're very blessed to have them in Isla's and our lives.

I had been thinking about this day for a long time.  Not every child makes it to their own church to be baptized.  Grace's baptism was in the NICU.  For us to be able to bring Isla in front of our whole church family, with our priest there to baptize her, was special beyond words.  It was quite emotional for me.  

And of course, Isla was just happy as can be for the entire service, not making a peep the entire time.  Just soaking it all in!  She didn't even cry as the water awoke her from a nap, just looked a little startled.

My brother Andy did a great job capturing everything in photos...

Isla wore my baptismal gown, so I reenacted some photos that my mom took of me when I was just 10 days old and baptized.  Gavin, our little photographer, even took two of the five finalists!

A side-by-side of me and Isla - same dress and a similar blanket for the background! Look how teeny tiny I was in that dress at 10 days old compared to Isla at 3 months old!