Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Grateful Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the mommas out there! I've enjoyed mine with my kiddos. I mean, how many pregnant moms get to listen to their little one on a fetal monitor for hours each day? Or see them on ultrasound every other day? I love listening to Grace's heart gallop away during the day. And seeing her grow and wiggle around on ultrasound.

And who couldn't love this face adorned with foam fish stickers (he did this himself):

I'm pretty blessed to have two wonderful little ones who have granted me the most important title in the world...Momma. It is by far my greatest accomplishment.

I've been thinking a lot about gratitude lately. I sit here thinking I have it so bad being away from family for weeks, dealing each day with the unknowns of this pregnancy. But there are so many others who are going through or have gone through much more difficult times. With the news focusing so heavily on the death of a horrific terrorist this past week, it reminds me of the pain that all of the victims and their families endured as a result of his and other terrorists' actions. Every day they live with the grief of losing their loved ones in such a tragic, unexpected way.

I think of the military men and women who risk their lives everyday for our safety, all the while away from their family and friends for months on end. All of the things they miss in their families' lives to generously give to their country. Meanwhile, I'm able to spend time each and every day with my family...and I'm not on the front lines of a war. While far from ideal, my stay in the hospital is not all that bad when I put it into perspective.

I'm grateful for all of our friends and family who have so generously offered us support and prayers. And those who have visited me or offered a meal for Brad and Gavin or sent a card or care package. It would be so much more difficult to deal with all of this without the support of people who care.

Another note of gratitude - my re-test for gestational diabetes came back normal! So, no diabetes for me after three days of carb loading and a re-test on Friday. Phew, one less thing to worry about! And all else is status quo medically. 29 weeks and 4 days today...can't wait to get into the "30s" on Wednesday.

So, today is a day of celebrating one of my most important roles in life - mom - and also of gratitude for the many blessings in my life. Gavin and Grace, I'm so lucky to be your mom. Thank for being such wonderful kids and allowing me to have this title. I love you both so very much!