Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sayonara Twenties, Hello Thirties!

And I'm not talking my age, not for a few more weeks at least! Wednesday marked Grace's 30 weeks gestation mark, woohoo! 30 weeks feels like a nice milestone, though we keep plowing forward one day at a time, knowing that 31, 32, 33, and 34 weeks will feel even better. Really, each day feels a little better.

We had a growth ultrasound on Thursday. Good news, Grace is continuing to grow! Obviously, there has been much concern that her growth may trail off, given the low amniotic fluid and the critical role that amniotic fluid plays in normal growth of a baby. And the less than ideal function of my placenta supplying nutrients. Our last growth ultrasound was three weeks ago. On Thursday, her estimated weight was 2 pounds 5 ounces, putting her at the 15% percentile. She was 18% percentile three weeks ago, so not a significant change. She's on the small end of the growth curve, likely a combination of the pregnancy circumstances along with the fact that I just don't make large babies.

Dopplers (rate of blood flow through the umbilical cord and through the cerebral artery) are all still looking very normal, meaning that my crappy placenta is continuing to supply enough oxygen/blood to Grace. That's good.

What else? Round two of corticosteroids yesterday and today to help with lung development (assuming there is lung tissue there for the drugs to work on). From what I've read in the medical literature (this is what I gravitate to I suppose as a pharmacist), it is a bit controversial whether a repeat series of steroids is needed. The jury is somewhat out, so providers tend to weight the risks and benefits. Very little risk to me and Grace to receive it, but possibly very much benefit, so it makes sense. And it's so low cost that that's not a concern. Only downside is a sore arm from the 2mL, viscous (thick) IM injection in my arm - ouch! I suppose it's a small thing compared to all of the other poking and prodding. Yes, I still have the arms of an IV drug abuser, with a required IV site change every 4 days. Not my favorite thing in the world, particularly when it takes three attempts and involves blowing out veins. But again, not that big of a deal when put into perspective. I'm trying diligently to work on perspective.

I've created lots of nurse friends here, many of them stopping in to check on me even if they aren't my nurse for the day. I think that must mean I'm an okay patient. I hope so! I try not to complain, knowing that there are people around the world who have it much worse than I do. Really, I'm quite blessed. So, overall, my attitude has been positive. I'm still sad every day about being away from Gavin and Brad and other things that I enjoy. But overall, I'm counting my blessings and keeping my chin up. That is how I like to live life, so I'm determined to continue regardless of the circumstances. Every day that I wake up and am still pregnant and still able to hear Grace's heart gallop away on the monitor is a good one. By the way, her fetal monitor heart rate tracings have been superb as well. She is having lots of good accelerations in heart rate, as expected in a healthy baby as she gets older/bigger. And I've only had a few sporadic contractions show up on the monitoring, nothing to worry about and pretty normal at this stage as well.

30 weeks and 3 days gestation today...come on 34 weeks! If I'm able to make it to 34 works, my time in the hospital is half over today. I've been here about three and a half weeks, and have another three and half until the 34 week mark (June 8). Then of course a few days post-delivery for recovery (which still frightens me). Prayers that I (and my placenta, oh my lovely placenta) make it!

I'm working on another Gavin post...more to come soon! He's really what started my whole ventures in blogging about three years ago. As our family grows, he's sharing his blog space with Grace now, too. And the occasional mom and dad post! I have fun looking back on the blog, it's my virtual baby book for him. Good thing, as I've not been very diligent in keeping up on a traditional paper-bound baby book for him. I like that I have this blog as a place to look back on memories and photos, both good and bad. Thankfully, more good than bad. Thankfully!


krysia.degraaf said...

I am in absolute awe of you Erica. Your courage and faith thoughout this whole situation makes me want to be more like you. But what lifts my heart the most is to see how you have such a positive attitude through it all! I only wish I was that strong. Hang in there. Lots of people are praying for you and Grace (and your placenta!), including me. You're almost there! :)