Wednesday, October 21, 2009

8 months

So, this post is a few days late. Gavin turned 8 months old on Sunday. Not that this milestone was overshadowed by the half-marathon, but I just couldn't rally the energy for another post on Sunday. I know, I'm a bad mom. Just today, I'm finally starting to feel back to normal after that exhausting run.

So, back to the topic of the post...eight months, holy cow! Gavin has developed so much in the past month. He's not crawling yet, but he takes lunges forward from sitting to reach toys, twists all around, easily pulls up from sitting. And he wants to crawl, I can see it in his eyes. I think it might be another month or so until he does. A little late, but no big deal.

He does very well in restaurant high chairs now -- no more slumping and sliding down. He is eating some "real" foods, like little pieces of bread, those little baby puff snacks, small bites of boneless white fish, egg yolks, cottage cheese (not his favorite yet). His appetite in general for solid foods has improved significantly. He practically inhales cereals (rice, barley, oatmeal). What used to take 40 minutes to feed him now takes just 5 minutes or so. His favorites are bananas, peaches, applesauce and sweet potatoes. He still has his days that solids just aren't his thing. And he hasn't quite mastered the pincher finger thing yet, so not much self-feeding at this point. But we keep giving him opportunities to learn. Still just two teeth, but acting at times like more are on the way.

We took him for his seasonal flu shot on Monday. On Tuesday, he had a low grade fever and bit of a runny nose. I'm never one to say that the flu shot can give you the flu, but I do think it can cause a slight flu-like reaction. He seems fine other than the runny nose, so I'm not concerned. I'm just praying that he stays healthy this fall/winter. Frightening how quickly H1N1 is peaking, with no vaccine available thus far...and people say they want government run health care? Oh, wait, sorry, this isn't a political blog. I'll bite my tongue.

So, life with an eight month old is so much fun. It is so delightful to see him giggle at silly things. Pure innocence and I'm loving it!