Sunday, October 4, 2009

Casting Call!

So, every mom, of course, thinks her child(ren) is the cutest, right? To that end, I've entered Gavin into the "babyGap Casting Call". They have an annual photo contest searching for their next baby models. We love Gap, so I thought it would be fun to enter Gavin, with no expectations that he will win. But who knows, maybe he will?

Part of the contest is also "fan favorite" voting. If you'd like to enter a vote for one of Gavin's five photos, check out this site. You can search the following contestant IDs to see his photo and vote. And you can vote once per day, so keep them coming! Or, you can enter your own baby/child in the contest on this site, if you're interested.

Gavin's contestant ID numbers are:

  • 923731579
  • 343731149
  • 343731689
  • 553731007
  • 203731936
Here are the photos with their respective ID number. Thanks for your support if you choose to vote for our little "babyGap" guy!

ID 203731936

ID 553731007

ID 343731149

ID 343731689

ID 923731579