Monday, October 12, 2009

Big Marathon Freeze

We were in Chicago this weekend for the Marathon. No, we didn't run this year, just stood on the sidelines and nice! And cold! Quite the contrast to the weather two years ago when Brad ran...90 degrees and humid! It was in the upper 30's for the run this year.

Gavin stayed nice and toasty in his stroller and 18 layers of clothes (yes, I exaggerate...slightly). Brad and I, however, were a bit under-dressed for the chilly morning.

We watched all the elite men and women runners cross the finish. Here's winner Sammy Wanjiru as he sets a course record. He was on pace earlier in the race for a world record, but didn't quite pull it off.

And here's the after marathon event -- warming up! Nothing cuter than a baby covered in white blankets, huh?

And that was our weekend! We have our big run this coming weekend. All that training for one big day. More to come later on how it goes...pray that we have a safe, fun run on Sunday!